Western (PA)

Central/Western NY elected officers are President (chosen by majority vote as a “President-Elect” 2 years prior to transitioning to the office of President), President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. Elections are conducted annually. Terms for all officers are 2 calendar years and are governed by NER-WOCN By-Laws.
Newly elected officers take office effective January 1st of the year following the election and finish December 31 (the end of the second year).
Current WOCN Society (National) members who have chosen the Northeast Region or an appropriate NER Affiliate as their “Primary Group” and have “Full Member” or “Retired” status (Membership Categories) are eligible to vote.
If you have attended one of our wound or ostomy teaching days and have questions about your CEU’s, please contact us at [email protected]
Meeting Minutes (Password protected/Members Only)
(2023 – 2024)
Deb Brewer
(2023 – 2024)
Jaylynn Fisher
(2023 – 2024)
Tammy Steighner-Ondik
(2023 – 2024)
Linda Rahuba